We are thrilled to announce the latest addition to the Bespoke Productions Hub Network: Ancestral Science Podcast. Join host Dr. Kori Czuy along with a dynamic group of Indigenous scientists, educators, and artists who want to further explore and share the depth of science within Indigenous knowledge and bring together global & Indigenous science.
Support a fellow Bespoke Productions Hub member. Tune in, subscribe, and be sure to rate and leave a comment on your favourite podcast platform. Read More
Bespoke News
Podcast Discovery: A Journey, Not an Event
As published in The Podcast Host
For podcasters, understanding how listeners discover and connect with your show is a crucial piece of the puzzle. Podcast discovery is an ongoing process influenced by habits, preferences, and engagement. To help you understand this better, we took a closer look at metrics around podcast discovery from 2024 Podcast Discovery Survey from The Podcast Host.
Here's what we found... Read More.
Downloads Don't Define You!
After the success of our first webinar with Michelle and Mikelle from This Is Perimenopause on sustaining the spark in podcasting, Bespoke Productions Hub is teaming up with Adam McNeil, SVP of Client Services at ADOPTER Media, to dispel the myth of downloads. Adam will help us stop chasing downloads and focus on what metrics really matter. Read More.
The Independent Podcaster Monthly